Let’s get to know each other.

The Story.

The Architecture Student Diaries was conceived on a dark and stormy night in Melbourne, Australia, when a certain architecture student (me) began to curse at a physical model that I needed to have finished by sunrise. A caffeine fueled light went off in my mind when I realised that there was a far more efficient way to be building the model. Several coffees deep, and dark bags perpetually growing below my eyes, I thought to myself: “I wish that I had known this method before I had wasted hours doing it the other way. Why doesn’t architecture school have a cheat sheet that stops you from making these time wasting mistakes?”.

And there was born, The Architecture Student Diaries (TASD).

TASD started with a dream to streamline architecture school and minimise the stress the course inflicts as much as possible. I wanted to create a platform where all architecture students can visit to find answers before they get stuck in the first place, and somewhere that will teach them how to reach their full potential not only as future architects, but as people. As the platform grows, TASD will provide both architecture related and life lessons, tutorials, reviews, recommendations and dad jokes to keep you entertained and on the right track to becoming the best you that you can be. If architecture school scares you, you are not alone, so let’s make the TASD community the first generation of architecture students to globally work together and make the built environment great.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Class is now in Session.